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High school argumentative essay examples

High school argumentative essay examples

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WebFeb 15,  · Argumentative Essay Examples For College Students. When it comes to the college level, essay writing becomes more complicated. At this level, students have to WebGood Example Of Argumentative Essay On All Students In High School And College Should Be Required To Take At Least Two Introduction Learning in high schools and Web5+ Argumentative Essay for Students Examples; 1. Sample Argumentative Essay for Students; 2. Argumentative Essay for Students Outline; 3. Argumentative Essay for WebJan 29,  · How to Write an Argumentative Essay Step by Step. Vaping refers to the huffing of a vapor generated by an electronic cigarette or other vaping device (Davis, Webset forth in each school’s charter. As Americans we enjoy choices and often associate choice as something positive. Being able to choose a school may sound like a ... read more

The means that THC cartridges were not connected to all recorded lung diseases. The main problem is the THC containers. Additionally, the vaping industry officials said that there are distinct products and that they do not sell black market THC commodities in vape shops Mulcahy, Putting them out of business by prohibiting all flavored vape products will actually do nothing for black market drugs. Presently, health officials are still puzzling over why some who vape exhibit serious respiratory diseases to the extent of dying Siegel et al. Vape influencers together with experienced vapers cite that a federal flavor prohibition will establish a black market for non-licensed retailers, leading to increased risk of lung illnesses and use among under-aged kids Gruszczynski, A prohibition means making inexperienced vapers and adolescents prone to black market sellers who can take advantage of their lack of knowledge.

Prior to Washington State passing its flavor prohibition, a majority from the vape industry condemned the move as erroneous and heavy-handed. Some public health professionals even warned that the prohibition could backfire. Moreover, it is evidenced that this prohibition will have severe and immediate unfavorable effects on America and state economies leading to the closing of thousands of small businesses, laying off of thousands of American employees, and elimination of rivalry. Adult smokers will have no option but to start smoking again or recourse to black markets Hampton, Absence of flavors combined with a wide range of products on the market, will lead to closure of FDA-controlled and FDA-registered American vapor product allocation chain.

Furthermore, the juice that the electronic cigarettes contain constitutes vegetable glycerin, pure nicotine, and propylene glycol Schripp et al. Notably, in an effort of tobacco organizations to increase their sales, individuals started smoking more regularly. It became cheaper and easier to use. In the end, health problems and deaths linked to tobacco use became a global concern. To date, smoking cigarettes is still a hazardous and unacceptable addiction. What most smokers do not realize is that smoking tobacco is actually a firm psychological element that does not allow them to give up their addiction Kirsten, Some smokers find it aesthetic to exhale or inhale smoke, or have different reasons to continue tobacco use. This simply means that tobacco smoking is a behavioral pattern that consists of repetitive responses and situations de Rugy, As already indicated, vapor from these technological cigarettes is mainly harmless to non-smokers and smells and tastes better.

This is part of the reason why vaping is considered a less reproached habit. It is argued that vaping tends to encourage unconstructive habits among previous non-smokers, given that the act of smoking is habit-forming. In a recent New Zealand research, e-cigarettes proved to be as effective as nicotine patches Siegel, et al. All current studies point to the fact that vaping is indeed better than smoking. Interestingly, about The false thinking that vaping is as harmful as smoking, in the real sense, prevents thousands of smokers from shifting to e-cigarettes to assist them quit.

There is also enough evidence from the CDC of not having specified or identified a true link between vaping and lung disease Davies, Despite the fact that the cases being reported are similar, it is not clear if they have a similar cause, or if they are distinct illnesses presenting similar symptoms. Some individuals may argue that vaping is as harmful as cigarette smoking because they are both considered to be behavioral patterns constituting repetitive reactions and circumstances. Others have linked vaping to increased cases of lung illnesses, especially in the United States. However, recent studies that have thoroughly been conducted by different organizations and specialists suggest that vaping is actually less harmful than smoking.

Furthermore, it is believed that banning flavored vape products will result in increased black markets and more adult smokers. That is why banning flavors is not a solution to the program. Instead, governments should consider regulating these products and finding other alternatives to help smokers quit. Bullen, C. Davies, R. De Rugy, V. Gruszczynski, l. The regulation of e-cigarettes: International, European and national challenges. Cheltenham: Edgar Elgar Publishing. Hampton, T. Kirsten, B. Maloney, J. Mulcahy, L. Schripp, T. Siegel, M. We post free essay examples for college on a regular basis. Stay in the know! Delegate your assignment to our experts and they will do the rest.

Words: Pages: 4 Views: 63 Downloads: 0. Download essay Print essay. Introduction Vaping refers to the huffing of a vapor generated by an electronic cigarette or other vaping device Davis, Argumentative Essay Example for 6th Grade. There isn't much of a difference between a 6th-grader and a 7th-grader in terms of academic achievement. They're both improving their writing and study abilities. Argumentative Essay Example for 7th Grade. There is no precise word count for an argumentative essay. It just has to persuade the reader and give the author's message to the intended audience. It can be short or lengthy. It would be considered correct as long as there's a discussion in it. Short Argumentative Essay Example. When the comes to writing high-quality argumentative essays there are some solid tips you need to know.

Below are 10 useful tips you should keep in mind while crafting an argumentative essay. Choosing an engaging topic will make you feel enthusiastic from the moment you start drafting down words in your essay. An argumentative essay topic should always be debatable, arguable, and researchable. An argumentative essay can be structured in three ways: Classical, Toulmin, and Rogerian. Choose any of these types of arguments to give your essay a logical flow and purpose. Extensive research goes a long way in producing a good argumentative essay. The more you study, the broader your horizons will be, and you will have just that much more supporting evidence. If you want someone to change their perspective, you need to persuade them with facts from credible sources. One of the most important parts of an argumentative essay is using counter-arguments.

Introduce the opposing view in a few short sentences and proceed to refute them with fact-based empirical evidence. This is a powerful way of persuading a reader to lean more towards the side of your argument. Remember to pay keen attention to the introductory paragraph, as it can make or break your essay. A strong thesis statement lets your reader know your stance and gives them an idea of your philosophy around the topic. A strong thesis statement will force a reader to want to read your entire essay. Fancy vocabulary and extremely long sentences are too complex to understand.

Use simple vocabulary but fueled with creativity. When writing an argumentative essay, do not come across as timid or uncertain. You should choose a side and be confident about the points you make. When writing an argumentative essay, it is very easy to veer off the assigned essay length given by your instructor. Students should avoid hot-button topics like race, sport, politics, and religion at all costs. The last thing you want to do is offend a reader who holds a strong personal opinion from you. If you need help with writing argumentative essays, we are here for you. Argumentative essay writers at MyPerfectWords. com can help craft high-scoring argumentative essays.

If you have a short deadline and a tight budget, you can trust our online writing service with your essay assignment. Timely delivery, free revisions, and other advantages at our argumentative essay writing service. Place your order now at MyPerfectWords. com , and get your essay done by one of our best essay writers. Nova Allison is a Digital Content Strategist with over eight years of experience. Nova has also worked as a technical and scientific writer. She is majorly involved in developing and reviewing online content plans that engage and resonate with audiences. Nova has a passion for writing that engages and informs her readers.

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Vaping refers to the huffing of a vapor generated by an electronic cigarette or other vaping device Davis, This method has not been around long enough for individuals to realize its effects on the body over time. The debate that flavored vape products is the leading cause of the lung disease outbreak is unjustifiable. The Utah government has used an illogical and not well thought of approach in forbidding the products Schripp et al. The flavored products in question were actually inspected by the relevant regulatory body under the government, given a sterile bill of health and discharged into the market Kirsten, Unfortunately, the black market now offers various vape products whose ingredients superiorly explain why there is an outbreak.

A majority of individuals believe vaping to be less harmful than smoking. This may be true given that e-cigarette aerosol does not incorporate all the contaminants present in tobacco smoke. However, it is still quite unsafe. The move to prohibit flavored vape products is not a practical measure in curbing the disease. It leaves out the consideration that both non-flavored and flavored products have the same chemicals yet the latter is safe de Rugy, Vape users are now coerced into the available non-regulated black market products that would worsen the outbreak.

Therefore, the prohibition of flavored vape products from vape shops is not a suitable solution to the lung disease outbreak at all. Entrust your assignment to our professional writers and they will compose a custom paper specially for you. Recent statistics indicate that so far, there have been over 70 cases of vaping-associated lung diseases in Utah. As already indicated, the Utah Department of Health blames it on THC cartridges, warning its residents to stop using them Gruszczynski, The containers, which fit onto vape pens, are illegal in Utah, and are obtained from the black markets or states where marijuana is lawful in that form Bullen et al. Notably, there have been a total of cases in America associated with vaping and e-cigarette use, where 82 of them recorded exclusive use of nicotine-containing products Davies, The means that THC cartridges were not connected to all recorded lung diseases.

The main problem is the THC containers. Additionally, the vaping industry officials said that there are distinct products and that they do not sell black market THC commodities in vape shops Mulcahy, Putting them out of business by prohibiting all flavored vape products will actually do nothing for black market drugs. Presently, health officials are still puzzling over why some who vape exhibit serious respiratory diseases to the extent of dying Siegel et al. Vape influencers together with experienced vapers cite that a federal flavor prohibition will establish a black market for non-licensed retailers, leading to increased risk of lung illnesses and use among under-aged kids Gruszczynski, A prohibition means making inexperienced vapers and adolescents prone to black market sellers who can take advantage of their lack of knowledge.

Prior to Washington State passing its flavor prohibition, a majority from the vape industry condemned the move as erroneous and heavy-handed. Some public health professionals even warned that the prohibition could backfire. Moreover, it is evidenced that this prohibition will have severe and immediate unfavorable effects on America and state economies leading to the closing of thousands of small businesses, laying off of thousands of American employees, and elimination of rivalry. Adult smokers will have no option but to start smoking again or recourse to black markets Hampton, Absence of flavors combined with a wide range of products on the market, will lead to closure of FDA-controlled and FDA-registered American vapor product allocation chain.

Furthermore, the juice that the electronic cigarettes contain constitutes vegetable glycerin, pure nicotine, and propylene glycol Schripp et al. Notably, in an effort of tobacco organizations to increase their sales, individuals started smoking more regularly. It became cheaper and easier to use. In the end, health problems and deaths linked to tobacco use became a global concern. To date, smoking cigarettes is still a hazardous and unacceptable addiction. What most smokers do not realize is that smoking tobacco is actually a firm psychological element that does not allow them to give up their addiction Kirsten, Some smokers find it aesthetic to exhale or inhale smoke, or have different reasons to continue tobacco use. This simply means that tobacco smoking is a behavioral pattern that consists of repetitive responses and situations de Rugy, As already indicated, vapor from these technological cigarettes is mainly harmless to non-smokers and smells and tastes better.

This is part of the reason why vaping is considered a less reproached habit. It is argued that vaping tends to encourage unconstructive habits among previous non-smokers, given that the act of smoking is habit-forming. In a recent New Zealand research, e-cigarettes proved to be as effective as nicotine patches Siegel, et al. All current studies point to the fact that vaping is indeed better than smoking. Interestingly, about The false thinking that vaping is as harmful as smoking, in the real sense, prevents thousands of smokers from shifting to e-cigarettes to assist them quit.

There is also enough evidence from the CDC of not having specified or identified a true link between vaping and lung disease Davies, Despite the fact that the cases being reported are similar, it is not clear if they have a similar cause, or if they are distinct illnesses presenting similar symptoms. Some individuals may argue that vaping is as harmful as cigarette smoking because they are both considered to be behavioral patterns constituting repetitive reactions and circumstances. Others have linked vaping to increased cases of lung illnesses, especially in the United States. However, recent studies that have thoroughly been conducted by different organizations and specialists suggest that vaping is actually less harmful than smoking.

Furthermore, it is believed that banning flavored vape products will result in increased black markets and more adult smokers. That is why banning flavors is not a solution to the program. Instead, governments should consider regulating these products and finding other alternatives to help smokers quit. Bullen, C. Davies, R. De Rugy, V. Gruszczynski, l. The regulation of e-cigarettes: International, European and national challenges. Cheltenham: Edgar Elgar Publishing. Hampton, T. Kirsten, B. Maloney, J. Mulcahy, L. Schripp, T. Siegel, M. We post free essay examples for college on a regular basis. Stay in the know! Delegate your assignment to our experts and they will do the rest. Words: Pages: 4 Views: 63 Downloads: 0. Download essay Print essay. Introduction Vaping refers to the huffing of a vapor generated by an electronic cigarette or other vaping device Davis, Want a custom paper like this sample?

Discussion Recent statistics indicate that so far, there have been over 70 cases of vaping-associated lung diseases in Utah. Conclusion Some individuals may argue that vaping is as harmful as cigarette smoking because they are both considered to be behavioral patterns constituting repetitive reactions and circumstances. References Bullen, C. Get to know the price estimate for your paper Topic. Number of pages. Paper type Select type. Essay Coursework Term Paper Research Paper Book Report Movie Review Case Study Annotated Bibliography Article Assignment. Academic level Select level. Related essays We post free essay examples for college on a regular basis.

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How to Write an Argumentative Essay Step by Step,What Is an Argumentative Essay?

Webset forth in each school’s charter. As Americans we enjoy choices and often associate choice as something positive. Being able to choose a school may sound like a Web5+ Argumentative Essay for Students Examples; 1. Sample Argumentative Essay for Students; 2. Argumentative Essay for Students Outline; 3. Argumentative Essay for WebFeb 15,  · Argumentative Essay Examples For College Students. When it comes to the college level, essay writing becomes more complicated. At this level, students have to WebGood Example Of Argumentative Essay On All Students In High School And College Should Be Required To Take At Least Two Introduction Learning in high schools and WebJan 29,  · How to Write an Argumentative Essay Step by Step. Vaping refers to the huffing of a vapor generated by an electronic cigarette or other vaping device (Davis, ... read more

The following are some examples of middle school argumentative essay:. The containers, which fit onto vape pens, are illegal in Utah, and are obtained from the black markets or states where marijuana is lawful in that form Bullen et al. Many people realize their career dreams everyday in the US, but some people choose to reside illegally in the hope to build a better future for them. With the availability of various opportunities Argumentative Essay On Why Aspiring Musicians Do Not Need To Attend College To Make It.

In fact, the nation was regarded as a pioneer in making higher education for the masses. Last updated on: Jan 3, Putting them out of business by prohibiting all flavored vape products will actually do nothing for black market drugs. Sign up for an account. Read more Computers Students Information Learning Skills Education World High School Digital Literacy Literacy School Science 10 Pages Current High School Education System Is In Crisis And Needs To Be Worked On Argumentative Essay Examples In spite of many decades of reform and policy change towards the high school system in the United States, the high school argumentative essay examples of education in our systems have been poor. There have been many views from different groups of people including professionals, high school argumentative essay examples, teachers, parents and even students. Distance learning has in a way undermined face-to-face teaching and being in a class has had its magnitude of necessity minimized.

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