Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Nursing school essays examples

Nursing school essays examples

Why I Want to Be a Nurse Essay Samples,How to Write a Nursing Entrance Essay

WebMay 11,  · Here are examples of what to include in an application essay for nursing school admission: Specific examples of why the nursing industry interests you WebJan 1,  · Nursing School Personal Statement Examples Sample 1 I stood there not knowing what to do and being completely sure I had made the biggest mistake of my life. WebSample application essay for nursing school Instructions: This essay is for when I apply to nursing school. I am going for a bachelors in nursing. The only criteria for the essay is WebNursing College Application Essay Examples When we look up the word "nurse" in the dictionary, we will read something like "somebody who cares for a sick person." Thinking WebJun 9,  · I thus consider nursing a rich field for personal learning and development. As I moved through my high school education, I realized that I possess some of the ... read more

Retrieved from. Advance Web. Retrieved October 1, from. Nursing One need only read the newspaper "Classified" ads to realize that employers are trying many clever marketing tactics to attract prospective nurses into their organizations. Many are offering sign-on bonuses, extra benefits and other amenities to attract a limited supply of nurses. As both the general population and the elderly population grow, the number of nurses needed to care for them increases proportionally as well. The number of people choosing to pursue nursing as a career has been on the decline, mainly due to long working hours, low pay, high job stress and other factors. These factors will not resolve themselves if the nursing deficit continues to increase.

In addition, graduate nurses find it difficult to enter the workforce due to their lack of experience and a shortage of mentors to teach them. The solution is simple, more nurses are needed, and soon. Novice nurses are fresh graduates who…. Durkin, Barbara. Lang, Susan. Cornell University. Accessed June, National League for Nursing NLN. Unpublished Data. New York, NY. Nursing: Personal Statement For my entire life, acting as a caregiver has been an integral part of my identity. I come from Cuba, and caring for the old and sick is considered to be a very important obligation. I was the child who took care of the needs of my grandmother and grandfather as they aged, as well as my father who died all too young of cancer.

As emotionally difficult as these experiences were, I felt privileged to be able to do something for the people who had given so much to me. I also learned how gratifying it was to nurse someone and to provide them with a sense of self-worth and empowerment, even when they were facing their own mortality. To make this my career would be my dream come true. I wanted to become a nurse while still living in Cuba but unfortunately Cuban nursing schools…. Technology-based teaching strategies can greatly accelerate the how both teaching and learning occur and therefore often reduce traditional issues and concerns faced by students and instructors. This approach changes the conventional way of thinking about how quality nursing programs are assessed and changes the levels of requirements to better suit student learning with better access to libraries, counseling and tutoring services, computing equipment, tuition, and financial aid to name a few.

But where this Associates Degree approach will benefit the profession most is in the healthcare system where it is needed most. New nurses will be better acclimated to the needs of sophisticated logging processes, medical billing and inventory as well as scheduling and other tasks now all handled via digital processing and computer. A modern day nurses are more technologically sophisticated, the overall patient care process also gets better as more available free time is offered back to the…. Students and patients alike will expect that their teachers will have a broad, in-depth range of knowledge about new technology in the field of heath informatics. The organization offers information about 'best practices' in healthcare technology, such as how to protect patient privacy in the online age.

Medical ethics and best practices will no doubt be a topic of debate in many of the classes I will teach in the future, whether I am educating future nurses or patients. The organization offers continuing education resources in the field of health technology. Keeping one's education current is essential, as healthcare computer systems are constantly changing and improving. Members can attend conferences, and interact with nurses from a wide variety of backgrounds, thus broadening my framework of knowledge…. We note that there remains an issue about hiring more nurses -- where will these nurses come from if the nursing schools do not increase their recruitment efforts and broaden their curriculum.

In addition, we note that the large majority of patients and stakeholders primarily want two things when admitted to a healthcare facility: better paid nurses and more highly-trained professionals who are satisfied with their vocation. Introduction Modern nursing is, by necessity, a mixture of complex balance: patient care vs. staffing; procedures…. More Nurses Make the Difference. February The Lamp. Safe Nurse Staffing: Looking Beyond the Numbers. Vantage Point, CNA. Aiken, L. The Hospital Nurse Workforce: Problems and Prospects. For the Council on the Economic Impact of Health System Change.

In the emergency room, this distinction can have a determinant impact on the ability of the staff to preserve life and diminish pain and suffering. The introduction of a bioethical perspective into this dialogue invokes a question as to the primacy of an interest in pursuing to the utmost the well-being of the patient. This speaks to one of the core values associating the principles of the ANA with the treatment outcomes desired in patiences. An examination of the ANA's Code of Ethics reveals that a theoretical basis exists to contend a direct correlation between the nurse's self-interest and that which is best for any given patient.

There exists an essential obligation for such healthcare practitioners to "examine the conflicts arising between their own personal and professional values, the values and interests of others who are responsible for patient care and health care decisions, as well as those of the…. American Nurse's Association ANA. The Nurses Code of Ethics. The Center for Ethics and Human Rights. Online at. The American Organization of Nurse Executives AONE. AONE Resource Center. Dimaria, R. West Virginia University School of Nursing Makes the Move to Web-Based Learning.

Technological Horizons in Education Journal, Emergency Nurses Association ENA. Perhaps a nurse must also be given a say in the way in which the entire healthcare system is being run today, especially since it is a nurse who is the closest to the patient, and who is completely responsible for the daily care of the patient, and it is a nurse who would put the patient on the road to recovery. A nurse would then be allowed and be given a chance to make use of her education, her leadership training, her skills in mass communication and her management skills in order to further the interest of the patient.

The International Council of Nurses in Geneva, Switzerland has summarized the various duties of nurses today, as they increasingly take part in important decision making processes, as follows: 'strategic planning, budgeting, efficient resource planning and utilization, and the planning, management and evaluation of programs and services'. Akinci, it can…. Akinci, Ugur. Beaulieu, Elise M. Nursing theory chosen, which best aligns with my personal theory of nursing, is Neuman's System Model. This model was created by Betty Neuman, and designed to be holistic in nature Memmott, et al. The focus of the model is on the whole person patient , the environment surrounding that person, the overall health of the person, and the nursing care that person is provided with during his or her illness.

While it might seem obvious that all of these areas should be considered, many models of nursing practice today ignore too many important factors regarding a person and why he or she may be ill Barnum, With that in mind, it is very important to use a theory like Neuman's Systems Model in order to address more than just a set of symptoms Memmott, et al. When nurses and other medical professionals take a look at a chart…. Barnum, B. Nursing theory: Analysis, application, evaluation. Memmott, R. Marett, K. Bott, R. Use of the Neuman Systems Model for interdisciplinary teams.

Online Journal of Rural Nursing and Health Care, 1 2. Nursing Problem: Shortage of Nurses in Healthcare Nursing Shortage The researcher works at Phoebe Memorial Hospital, where there is an extreme nursing shortage. Without an adequate amount of nurses, patient care and safety may turn out to be compromised, while nurses themselves may be stunned, upset, and dissatisfied. At the researcher's workplace, high patient-to-nurse ratios has been displaying that there is a lot of frustration and job burnout, which is linked to higher yield. At Phoebe, there is an inadequately staffed nursing force which has been discovered to play a negative part in patient results. In difference, studies have confirmed that hospitals like Phoebe Memorial Hospital with low nurse turnover are the ones that have the lowest rates of risk-adjusted death and severity-adjusted span of stay.

There is no very exact way of describing the concept of nursing shortage at the Phoebe Memorial Hospital Phoebe, but a report of this…. Other stakeholders include healthcare facility administrators, corporate trustees and public office holders, who will often have entangled or competing interests relating to the profitability of operations and the political expediency of policy orientation. This will also be true of the various professional advocacy groups, nursing associations and lobby groups that will vie for influence in the discussion on any legislation relating to the nursing shortage.

Policy Objective: A primary policy objective is to endorse any legislation that would aggressively enforce better recruitment of nursing students, better training of existing nurses, improvements in working conditions for nurses and mandated nurse-to-patient ratios. These objectives are underscored by evidence of the opportunities to save lives facilitated by mandated ratios. Allan, L. The nursing shortage continues as faculty shortage grows. Nursing Economics, 26 1 , Cullen, E. Addressing the Nursing Shortage. Besides facing stress, and having easy access to medications, critical care and emergency nurses may use recreational drugs more often because they are more likely to have a sensation-seeking personality trait www.

In the treatment setting, issues such as these add complexity to the nurse's recovery Anderson. These issues include being considered a role model by everyone,…. Anderson, Jenny Lynn. Substance abuse in nurses varies by specialty. accessed 15 November, In essence, the authors are forcing all nursing students and those who practice nursing today to understand that because of overblown "materialistic values, environmental sustainability, technology, clashes between societies" and global conflicts, the role of nurses has changed drastically, thus requiring some type of instruction on these and other topics , pg. In addition, the authors maintain that nursing students of today and in the near future must extend their empathy "from a relatively passive, cognitive level to one of active, affective engagement" which in the end will result in engendered caring and move "the consideration of global conflict and war into a personal, relational context" , pg.

One important way to accomplish this goal in relation to a classroom setting would be to compose a personal narrative on the events of September 11, , when the World Trade Center was destroyed by an alleged terrorist organization, being…. Thrilled to learn about this scholarship, I have given considerable thought to my future goals since my supervisor recommended that I apply. Ultimately I want to give back to my community through outreach and advocacy. I have been working at a busy hospital for years, watching the ways resource-strapped administrators contend with multiple pressures. Sometimes I feel I am in the parallel position, being pulled in different directions as a nurse and a mother of two who now also intends to return to college to develop my career.

This scholarship will alleviate my burden but most importantly, it will help me to better embody the principles and values of excellence, justice, and integrity. I have been working at this particular institution because I appreciate the work we do for the community and want to continue being a part of this tradition. We provide outreach for the homeless and for the poor,…. Nursing Ethics y Nursing Ethic PASSION: Why am I here? I am here to learn and become a better person through the service and love of others.

I am here because I need to earn money to stay alive and nursing provides that type of material sustenance. I am passionate about many things, and I like to accomplish goals that are challenging and transformative in nature. There are many aspects to nursing and nursing school that provide the necessary components to the things that can make me a better person, in mind body and soul. I am also here because I love to serve others to satisfy my own personal needs. I feel better about myself when I am helping others. This may seem selfish in some ways, but those that need my help will surely welcome it if they are willing. I am passionate about making this world a…. My personal background is one of Christian faith where I strongly believe that my salvation and destiny is determined through the understanding of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

This philosophic stance is common in my area where I grew up and my family traditions are strongly rooted in this religious stance. My morals, ethics and spiritual values all arise out of this Christian ideal where love, forgiveness and service are emphasized as important factors in life and death. While there are many problems with organized religion, I have found that a simple Christian attitude based on loving principles are the best means of achieving peace of mind through the exploration of personal ethics and morals. Used as a practical tool, Christianity can serve many in the medical profession when applied in the correct frame of reference.

Education is an aspect of my life that is taken very seriously, therefore, it seems imperative to attend a school that will provide the necessary tools to excel further, and know that I have received one of the best educations possible. It is important that I be able to give back to my community and make a positive impact on the world no matter how big or small. It has always been important for me to do work that allows me to help others, and nursing will provide that opportunity that would not be possible without furthering my education. Therefore, nursing school is the next step in an important venture into reaching the steps laid out in my education and career goals. I intend to give nursing school the same dedication and effort that I give all aspects….

Nursing Mission and Philosophy Statements Finding the mission and philosophy statements of nursing programs is not complicated. They are generally listed on their websites so that students who are considering them can find what they are looking for. It is important to have a nursing school that matches well with a student's personal philosophy of nursing, so learning about several schools is a good idea. That helps the student make the right choice. Where LSU nursing school and UAB nursing schools are concerned, there are many differences in how the information is presented. Addressing these differences - as well as the similarities - is vital to form a clear understanding of the missions and philosophies of both schools.

One of the largest differences between the two schools is the length of their mission statements. The mission statement of LSU is much longer than the statement provided by UAB. The main…. Csokasy, J. Philosophical foundation of the curriculum. Halstead Eds. Louis, MO: Saunders-Elsevier. Louisiana State University Nursing School University of Alabama. It is formal to have and conduct nursing research according to the set ethical frameworks where the entire review of the proposal will be undertaken. Whether to be undertaken by the staff or students, this research should be subjected to ethical approvals, which will make sure that the research, proposal is directed at serving the nursing school dream and intentions. All the nursing researchers and educators, being the staff members, must have respect upon the dignity, interests, and rights of the nursing students and other staff members related and participating in practical and theoretical learning.

Basford, L. Theory and practice of nursing: An integrated approach to patient care. Cheltenham, U. K: Nelson Thornes. Fitzpatrick, J. Encyclopedia of nursing research. New York:. Meleis, a. Theoretical nursing: Development and progress. Philadelphia: Wolters. curriculum development must be a dialogue between its designers and the affected stakeholders: if a curriculum is imposed upon students and faculty members, they will inevitably resist it. Common agreement amongst faculty members also fosters greater agreement in regards to shared standards between teachers when grading. I also agree that it is important that students feel they are being evaluated fairly and that certain standard classes used to meet requirements are not substantially easier or harder than the same classes taught by different teachers.

In particular with a nursing education, uniformity is desirable since nurses are taking classes to attain professional qualifications and pass licensure exams. However, although getting people 'on board' with the curriculum is important, it is also vital that the curriculum is flexible enough and able to change with today's needs. The nursing curriculum cannot be static and mired in outdated standard operating procedures. Sprang, S. Making the case using case studies for staff development. Journal for Nurses. in Staff Development, 26 20 : E6-E Technology has proven to be a great asset in improving healthcare delivery.

It has also proven to be an asset in the education of new nurses, expanding the range of ways in which nurses can be exposed to the profession. As well as hands-on simulations with computers, large portions of nursing education have been shifted online. Nurses can engage in continuing education, bolstering their credentials as the market demands by going to school online at night while still working during the day. Online learning allows nurses to experience simulated stressful environments without endangering real patients. Given the risks posed by lawsuits to institutions, the need for a safe space for students to make mistakes is critical.

Of course, "a major limitation of simulation is the fidelity; no matter how high the fidelity is, it is not real. It is often impossible to imitate actual physiological signs or symptoms" Hicks et al. Particularly in the later years of nursing education, no high-fidelity simulation can replicate clinical experiences. However, high-fidelity simulation can act as an important preparation for a residency's rigors, as well as the first year of the nurse in actual practice. Although the technology may be costly, the costs of an unprepared nurse are even greater. nursing is a science, an art, or both. There are three references used for this paper. The nursing profession has seen a number of changes over the years. When nursing first began it was mainly an art form aimed at easing the pain of the sick and injured.

However, during the past century, nurses have learned not only the art of healing, but how to properly care for wounds and illnesses through scientific measures. It is important to look at nursing as an art and a science, and how the two combine to define nursing today. The Art of Nursing When the Maine Eye and Ear Infirmary General Hospital was founded in Portland, Maine, nursing was looked upon as an art. The infirmary's nursing school opened in and its students were taught the importance of having a good beside manner Creamer, This practice has changed in recent times…. Creamer, Melanie.

The Art of Nursing; Alumnae gather to celebrate a Portland school that trained nurses the old way. Portland Press Herald Maine. Purnell, Marguerite J. Who Really Makes the Bed? Uncovering Technologic. Sandelowski, Margarete, PhD, RN, FAAN. Venous Envy: The Post-World War II Debate Over IV Nursing. In the previous section, Estabrooks raised the question of the ability of the EP framework to provide the "best evidence" in nursing practice and the danger of excluding nurses in decision-making tasks as a result of EP prevalence and dominance. Rolfe, while he analyzed the empirical foundations of EP, also looked at it from a practical perspective, or how EP is applied in the current practice of nursing. Identifying the problem of EP as the question of its "technical rationality," Rolfe uncovered an important issue that best describes also Estabrooks' contentions in her article: the "theory-practice" gap in nursing practice.

In thoroughly discussing this phenomenon in nursing, Rolfe illustrated how theory-practice gap occurs in the practice scenario 39 : First, that nurses rarely read research reports; second, that when they do read them, they rarely understand them; and third, even when they do read and understand research reports, they are reluctant…. Avis, M. Oct Estabrooks, C. McCormack, B. Rolfe, G. Jan This process does not just help to gain complete understanding of the tasks in hand but also to regularly serve as a reminder of all the legal processes which guide appropriate nursing documentation.

The documentation characteristics which are spread all over the nursing field properly addresses the need to efficiently communicate through written methods. One of the main property of proper documentation is that the ability of a nurse to document legibly. This might look like an easy process to carry on but the fact is that many nurses, medical doctors or any other personnel associated with the nursing field do not follow a single standard of legibility. Documentation in nursing field should also achieve the factor of being accurate and based on facts, by giving actual data, the process of care and appropriate channel of communication is maintained as this documentation can be used by the nurses in the….

Finally, let's have an example of a current nursing research childhood obesity in general practice and analyze the findings, this research was conducted in , Obesity in children has come to huge proportions especially in the developed world, in the U. It is almost tripled in 35 years from to , this rate is found higher in male as compared to females, this study suggests that some twenty five million American children are obese. This study also suggests that the main causes of obesity are many such as metabolic syndrome, hypertension, sleep disorders or liver related diseases. It is also because of some psychological effects like trauma, any sort of discrimination or depression which may force the child to eat more.

Those adults which were overweight in their childhood poses a bigger risk of heart disease, developing hypertension, diabetes and other diseases as compared to those individuals who were not overweight. This factor also puts a huge cost on the health care services a nation provides, in U. It costs some seventy five billion dollars to the government annually. There have been many theoretical models which are used to prevent this problem from escalation such as the Transtheoretical model, the social cognitive model and others. These models give the bases for assessment which intervene on selected variables. The environmental factor also has a huge influence in a child's life places such as home, school, and community , study suggests children's eating activity is cross-sectional to the environment which it lives in.

The research is one that will use the qualitative method in testing with cases and open problems as to the effectiveness of the training provided to the practical nurse group through case and open problems through direct observations of that which has been taught in which observation is through the structured method specifically work-based assessment. Work-based research is highly effective when clear learning outcomes are in place. All trainers will meet the requirements of the Department of Defense insofar as credentials and other necessary qualifications. DATA ANALYSIS and SYNTHESIS The data, qualitative in nature will be analyzed through review of the information collected as to the skills of the….

htm EdTrn. Nursing Education and Training: Alternative Federal Approaches the Congress of the United States Congressional Budget Office May nursing should be classified as a profession. ebster's Dictionary defines a profession as "a type of job that requires special education, training, or skill. For nursing, a person must have education and specialized training, but they also must have an innate sense of ethics, knowing the difference between right and wrong while being able to make the right call in high-pressure situations. Just as a lawyer must have a the ability to read people and teachers must have enthusiasm for learning, nurses must be dedicated to the preservation of life as well as an attitude which instills hope and comfort in the patients under their care.

If to enter a profession, someone must have special training and specified skills as well as a personality which…. American Nurses Association American Nurses Association Inc. Board of Registered Nursing Department of Consumer Affairs. State of California. North Mountain Medical is a super sniff facility as they specialized in high acuity level patient. The patient structure is respiratory, with staff trained in tracheostomy care and ventilator management. In house hemodialysis, in house physical therapy. This facility has been in operation since Patients in this facility do not self-diagnose. Patient diagnoses are from Medical doctors and Nurse Practitioners that work on site.

Patient in the facility are cared for by interdisciplinary team. Nurse completes an assessment and report changes immediately to the doctor. In the event of an emergency patients are send to emergency room for further evaluation and treatment. Health is a right in this facility. Noncompliance with medication regimen and diet changes. Then, of course, there is the matter of the learning curve in professional education. If one compares schooling for registered nurses with that of physician's assistants or physicians, one often sees a growing gap between the clinical abilities of nursing staff and actual patient care needs.

This cause has been attributed to deficiencies in some skill sets of new graduates -- which has the effect of pushing nursing schools and curriculum toward more robust materials Berkow, Virkstsis, Sewart, and Conway, However, is the solution simply adding more materials to memorize and read, or might it be more efficient to take a look at the time frame of the educational experience and ask…. Berkow, Virkstsis, Sewart, and Conway. Assessing New Graduate Nurse Performance. Journal of Nursing Administration, 38 11 , Burritt and Steckel. Supporting the Learning Curve for Contemporary Nursing Practice. Journal of Nursing Administration, 39 11 , Heller, Oros, and Durney-Crowley.

The Future of Nursing Education: Ten Trends to Watch. Holzmer, W. Quality in Graduate Nursing Education. Nursing Education Perspectives, 26 4 , Salary Inequities for Nurses in Florida Inequities in Nurses' Salary Schedules In the decade between and , the estimated number of open positions for registered nurses was anticipated to be 2. This number reflects both attrition and the growth of the healthcare and medical fields that are responding to an aging national population. An interesting phenomenon has occurred in research on the state of nursing in the U. The U. Government Accountability Office conducted a study to look critically at the key factors that influence….

Florida Registered Nurse Salaries. Projected supply, demand, and shortages of registered nurses: Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Bureau of Health Professions, National Center For Health Workforce Analysis. Registered Nurse RN Hourly Rate. The shortage of nursing staff remains a major challenge in the U. According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing AACN , the shortage is expected to be even greater in the next one decade or so. The shortage has been fuelled by factors such as reduced enrolment into nursing schools, increased retirement of the nursing workforce, as well as higher demand for healthcare due to population ageing and greater incidence of lifestyle diseases AACN, The shortage of nursing staff has severe implications for the nursing workforce.

A high number of patients relative to nursing staff often translate to increased workload for nurses. Indeed, nurses continue to grapple with unhealthily lengthy work shifts, often stretching up to hours. It is an issue that has sparked a great deal of debate given the connection between excessive workload and nurse outcomes. Literature extensively demonstrates that excessive workload as a…. DNP has been a relatively new one for the nursing profession. Today, "there are many enthusiasts toward the DNP. Seen by some as a symbol of social progressivism, the endorsement of doctoral education for advanced practice nursing has many potentially positive outcomes. Among them, better parity with other practice disciplines" Bellini 6.

However, there have also been many naysayers about the degree. They "strongly argue for the retention of MS-level preparation for APNs based on economic and workforce issues… [they argue that the DNP is] detrimental to society, as the projected number of APNs needed is expected to rise in the years to come, The authors argue that this is unlikely to occur if the DNP-mandate deters potential APN students from pursuing graduate study" Bellini 6. This reflects the idea that nursing, however much theory might inform the teaching of nursing, is ultimately always a practical discipline. Bellini, S. if you want to buy nursing assignments at a lower price, order them in advance. After deciding to enroll in a nursing school or advance your nursing career, it is time to familiarize yourself with the application process.

Besides getting the letters of recommendation and transcripts ready, you also need to write a nursing school entrance essay. When the colleges or universities ask you to write a nursing entry essay, they want a demonstration of what makes you an exceptionally qualified for the nursing program. The nursing profession is very competitive, and there are several other candidates seeking enrollment in the same nursing school as you. Admissions boards strive to ensure that the most qualified candidate understands the specialties and difficulties of the profession. Below is a guide with relevant information that will help you write a nursing school entry essay that will stand out from the other candidates.

The nursing school entry essay is one of the requirements when applying for a nursing school admission. Published by gudwriter on June 9, June 9, Nursing schools try to scrutinize the students they are admitting to their institutions. In most cases, they want to have students who have a passion for the course. So, they ask for candidates to prove that they are worth the mettle. Sometimes, they require those interested in taking the course to state why exactly they love that career. They help get the best candidates as there are usually too many applications to consider. Again, you should keep in mind that there are probably thousands other applicants who seek to get a spot in the same school as you. We hope our tutorial will help you write the best application essay.

Stuck and wondering where you can order admission essay online? Contact us now and receive the best service. Get more information on what to include in a college admission essay. Get more information about how to write a good scholarship essay that will be accepted. However, that sounds impersonal and simple and does not fully describe the work a nurse does. People who have saved lives on given circumstances are regarded as heroes. However, only nurses save lives every day. So, am I possibly motivated by the money? Well, sometimes, it is easy to be attracted to the salaries that those who work in the medical field get.

A good nurse is a person who meets penniless people who need medical attention and helps them without much regard to what they have in their accounts. Saving lives comes first especially because money can be quantified and made, but life cannot. I want to help. And, I want to be part of the people who help people live a pain-free life. In school, I always loved to be the first to attend to kids who experienced nose-bleeding. I felt within me an urge to give a hand to everyone who needed it. I did not have enough skills, though. Whenever I walk down the street, I often see people begging for pennies so that they can provide for their families. In fact, most of those beggars and homeless people do what they do for the sake of their families and children.

This leaves me helpless. I want to help them attain a stable life, and help them directly. The good thing about such experiences is that they equipped me with striking character traits that point towards the nursing profession. I am an understanding, empathetic, and confident diplomatic quick learner with great communicative skills. I know I will need these skills as a nurse. However, to be able to take this path, all I need is excellent education to become who I was meant to be. After I got my examination results, and I told my parents that I wanted to be a nurse, they had mixed feelings. Yes, they always knew I wanted to help people, study hard, and work in the medical field. However, the fact I had chosen nursing and not anything else despite my high GPA was not wholly welcome for them.

Check out our blog posts to make sure you're up to date on what's happening in the Labouré community. Writing a strong essay is one of the best ways to put yourself in the running to land a nursing scholarship. But what does a strong essay look like? What does it include? Continue reading to learn how to write a scholarship essay your reader won't be able to put down! Essential tips for writing your essay. The dos and don'ts of essay writing. A foolproof essay template you can have for free. Before you write a single word, you must examine the application requirements and criteria.

First, you need to make sure that you meet all of the minimum requirements to avoid wasting any time. If you do meet all of the requirements, you should go through the application with a fine tooth comb, making a note of the experience, skills, and qualifications required. Doing so will ensure you know what to focus on in your essay. Armed with your notes, the next step is creating a working essay outline. Studies show that stories resonate well with humans and tend to be more impactful than facts or statistics alone in writing. Want to know the most overlooked, yet impactful, piece of advice for writing a great scholarship essay?

Read the essays of past scholarship winners if you can! Doing so will give you an idea of what your reader is looking for in the essay. Do they talk about their future nursing plans a lot? Do they share a very specific and personal story that led them to choose this career path? In addition, pay attention to the following:. While you want to make sure you write your essay in your own words and your own voice, taking note of the elements other writers have included can help you craft your essay. While you probably have a lot to write about, there is generally a word limit, typically to words. This means that you must be extremely clear and concise with the words you choose. To create the biggest possible impact with the fewest words, you should aim to use the active tense as much as possible.

Not only will this make you sound confident but it will also prevent you from going off course and rambling. Use action words where appropriate and be as ruthless as possible with your edits, chopping out any words, information or phrases that seem like fluff and filler words. In the middle—or heart—of your essay, you will need to explain precisely why you want to become a nurse. To get this essential element of your nursing scholarship essay just right, you will need to:. Condensing this level of personal detail and passion into a paragraph or two is no easy feat, but by working through the above four exercises and leaving yourself enough time to create, arrange, and edit, you can do it. Looking for scholarship examples online for inspiration is a good idea, but remember, this is about you and your motivations.

Sharing your future plans and aspirations will showcase your passion as well as your long term commitment—so including this information in your nursing scholarship essay is essential. Do you want to become head of a hospital department? Do you want to ultimately specialize in a particular area of nursing? Do you want to serve your local area and create community-driven nursing initiatives? Perhaps you want to make your mark in the education sector? Only you know what your ultimate aspirations are, but the point is—make sure you include them in your essay. Last but certainly not least in our nursing essay writing tips is proofreading. A fresh set of eyes is always helpful when it comes to proofreading your essay, because you want it to be near perfect from start to finish.

Having a trusted friend or mentor proofread your essay provides an opportunity to get feedback on your content and any potential errors or typos you may have missed. Summarize your intent for your application and what attracts you to the nursing profession. Talk about your existing skills and experience based on the application brief, backing up your statements with an example or two. Again, use examples here. State why you have the personal attributes to be a successful candidate, explain why you make an excellent fit for this particular scholarship and end with an impactful, emotive line that showcases your passion for nursing.

If you need some more tips, feel free to reach out to our admission team at Labouré College. Associate Degree LPN to RN Nursing Health Science Radiation Therapy Respiratory Care. Bachelor Degree RN - BSN Healthcare Administration. Pathways Nursing Options Healthcare Options. See all programs Apply now. Home How to Write The Perfect Nursing Scholarship Essay. How to Write The Perfect Nursing Scholarship Essay. November 11, Share on social: Facebook Link Twitter Link Mail Link. Fully understand the requirements and criteria Before you write a single word, you must examine the application requirements and criteria. Create a solid essay outline Armed with your notes, the next step is creating a working essay outline. Cover the skills and experience requirements from the application brief and back them up with real-life examples.

End: Finish strong by communicating why the institution offering the scholarship is the right fit for you, reiterate your passion for nursing, and finish with an impactful line that sticks in the memory. Study the essays of past scholarship winners Want to know the most overlooked, yet impactful, piece of advice for writing a great scholarship essay? In addition, pay attention to the following: How the essay is formatted How the essay is structured How the winning applicant communicated their skills and experience How the winning applicant approached their writing style in terms of language and sentence structure. Be clear and concise While you probably have a lot to write about, there is generally a word limit, typically to words.

Describe why you want to become a nurse In the middle—or heart—of your essay, you will need to explain precisely why you want to become a nurse. Have a friend proofread your essay Last but certainly not least in our nursing essay writing tips is proofreading. Make logical notes and create a working outline. Be clear, concise, and confident. Explain why you want to become a nurse and share your future aspirations. Carefully proof and edit your work. Have a trusted friend proofread your essay for you. Rush the process and submit your application without editing, redrafting and proofing. Forget that the essay is about your specific skills and experience.

Copy or plagiarize word for word. Using examples for inspiration is fine, copying is not. Following paragraph: Talk about your existing skills and experience based on the application brief, backing up your statements with an example or two. End: State why you have the personal attributes to be a successful candidate, explain why you make an excellent fit for this particular scholarship and end with an impactful, emotive line that showcases your passion for nursing. Best of luck…. Share on social: Facebook Link Twitter Link Mail Link.

7 Tips to Write an Effective Nursing School Essay,1. Plan Your Nursing School Essay

WebJun 9,  · I thus consider nursing a rich field for personal learning and development. As I moved through my high school education, I realized that I possess some of the WebMay 2,  · Nursing Autobiography. My interest in nursing peaked at an early age when I attended Clara Barton High School for health professions in Brooklyn NY and WebNov 11,  · Using examples for inspiration is fine, copying is not. A Basic template for nursing scholarship essays For your guidance and inspiration, here’s a basic nursing WebJan 1,  · Nursing School Personal Statement Examples Sample 1 I stood there not knowing what to do and being completely sure I had made the biggest mistake of my life. WebNursing College Application Essay Examples When we look up the word "nurse" in the dictionary, we will read something like "somebody who cares for a sick person." Thinking WebMay 11,  · Here are examples of what to include in an application essay for nursing school admission: Specific examples of why the nursing industry interests you ... read more

In addition, pay attention to the following:. North Mountain Medical is a super sniff facility as they specialized in high acuity level patient. Novice nurses are fresh graduates who… Works Cited Durkin, Barbara. Who Really Makes the Bed? Sydney: Harcourt Saunders. Research Proposal. Exploratory Essay.

Nursing theory chosen, which best aligns with my personal theory of nursing, is Neuman's System Model. Due to these reasons, nursing is not a "one track" career, and involves constant adaptation and learning, nursing school essays examples. This was chosen because the researcher desired to achieve a better accepting of how a helpful nurse-patient relationship can be advanced and even from different theorists who have discovered this idea. Best of luck…. Holzmer, W. This is the mantra I try to follow not just on the floor as a nurse but in my personal life with my family and friends; after all, a nurse could not be a cold, heartless, indifferent person in private life and suddenly be an ethical, caring, moral professional nursing school essays examples the job.

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